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Welcome to an enlightening masterclass that pushes the boundaries of traditional approaches to women’s health and delves into a revolutionary realm: the world of microdosing psychedelics for women’s health. Dr. 1Drea Pennington and Dr. Jill Stocker are both leading experts in the field of women’s health and psychedelics. Together they will guide you on an […]

In the mystic realm of psychedelics, the conclusion of a ceremony or retreat merely marks a chapter’s end, not the entire story. As the rhythm of the drumbeat fades and the scent of the incense dwindles, a new journey unfurls – one that often holds the true essence of transformation. It’s during these moments of […]

Masterclass Series Replay (part 1) Microdosing for Women’s Health: Unlocking the Power of Psychedelics Over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in interest surrounding the use of microdosing psychedelics as a promising approach to enhance well-being and address various health issues. Women’s health, in particular, has become a focal point in […]

The unconscious mind plays a critical role in processing emotions and consolidating memories. Reprocessing may be needed for various types of emotional experiences, particularly those that have been challenging, traumatic, or have led to unresolved feelings or patterns in one’s life. Not processing and integrating emotional experiences can have various negative consequences on an individual’s […]

Would you believe me if I told you that music saved my life? Well, I’m not speaking figuratively – it really did. In fact, music set me free from several diagnoses, including depression, and put me on my path to pursuing my passions and feeling full of purpose each day. I’ve journeyed from self hatred, […]

While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and other medical treatments are available, some women prefer to explore drug-free alternatives to manage their menopausal symptoms. Today, I want to share six natural ways to support your body and mind during this incredible journey. These natural approaches can help alleviate various symptoms and improve overall well-being during this […]

Menopause is a natural transition that affects millions of women worldwide. This period in a woman’s life is often accompanied by a variety of challenging symptoms, such as brain fog, low mood, and decreased cognitive function. While hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a popular treatment, it’s not without risks and side effects, which has led […]

Receive access to Guided Meditations via QR Code or Click here: Enhance your journey with exclusive access to guided meditations. Simply scan the QR code provided to download meditations that complement your journaling experience. *Note this is for your use only after purchase of the journal bundle.   How to Use This Journal Embarking on […]

The 2022 Netflix docu-series, “How to Change Your Mind,” based on Michael Pollan’s book has been getting rave and rabid reviews on social media. Have you started watching it yet? While I have formerly avoided controversy, lately I’ve found myself commenting and sharing my thoughts openly on social media — along with some very controversial […]

This week I’m sharing a short video with some background info on Albert Hofmann’s discovery of LSD and his ‘intentional’ acid trip way back on April 19, 1943. Hofmann later explored a variety of psychoactive compounds and found that they could be potent tools for our evolution and healing. What about prescription medication interactions with […]

This week I’m sharing a short video with some insights I’ve learned about microdosing psilocybin containing mushrooms and truffles over the last year, including how to get the starting dosage right and how many days to take them, for example. After microdosing truffles and whole mushrooms (0.1-2g) a few times a week for one year, […]


Transformation catalyst, integrative physician, psychedelic therapist, speaker, author, and soulful creator.

Dae'Ess 1Drea • Dae'Ess 1Drea •

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