In today’s world, finding love has become a major focus. With the advent of the Internet we are all technically more connected than ever before – but in some ways, we are lonelier too.
Finding ‘the one’ is something that can feel like a big mission, or a quest of sorts. There are so many people out there – how are you meant to find the right one?
I think that some people would tell you that love isn’t something you ‘find’, but rather something that finds you. But could it also be something that you manifest?
With over 7 billion people on the planet, surely there are greater forces at work than just luck and Internet searches. Finding that special somebody who resonates with you on the soul level has a magical quality to it – so perhaps there is Divine influence at work there…
Last year as I worked with a wonderful group of new co-authors on group book projects, I came across stories with a wonderful, romantic twist to them. Our readers found these stories so uplifting that I decided to create a collaborative book for 2019 all about the various (and less usual) ways that some people manifest love in their lives. (If you have a story to share, let me know! You just might be included in the new book.)
One of the stories that particularly struck me was that of Magic and Miracles author Lene Heiselberg Vang. I’m sure you’ve heard plenty of horror stories about the perils and pitfalls of online dating. So how refreshing it was to hear that Lene, while scrolling through pictures on a dating app, knew she had found a soul connection the moment she saw Lars.
From meeting her new partner, the Divine influence seemed to keep flowing for them. It wasn’t just that they found each other, an amazing enough feat, but they also went on to buy a house that they thought they could only dream of.
Out of their budget and going to be sold at auction, the story of finding their home is one that will give you goosebumps.
Moving beyond the realm of dating apps and other modern means – how about the wisdom of a horse helping you to find your lasting love? It sounds like a fairytale, and I yet I know it to be a true story.
Magic and Miracles author Miriam Theil-Alberts is today married to a man she was brought together with, following an extraordinary sequence of events that all began with her horse, Golden Arrow.
As an animal communicator and healer, Miriam is no stranger to receiving wisdom from four-legged friends. But this story is so magical, taking her from childhood dreams of having a horse and marrying her prince, to actually living that reality today – and she has her horse to thank for the guidance.
A manifesting ritual was the turning point for another Magic & Miracles Co-Author, Margeretha Tosi-Lesman. After decades of bottling up her emotions, an eruption of anger and sadness led to a heart-opening journey and finding her true self.
It’s a well-worn statement to say that we need to love ourselves before we can accept love from somebody else.
This certainly rings true in Margaretha’s case. It was only after finding the courage to choose being alone over being in the wrong relationship, and doing the inner work to get clarity on what she really wanted from a relationship, that she found and married her ideal man.
From conversations I’ve had with so many people and through the work that I do, I know that many of us worry about how we will find love. We fear that in today’s world the options are either standing in a bar night after night, trying to ‘put ourselves out there’, or searching through a sea of profile pictures on dating apps and sites.
Something my authors have shown me is that the how really isn’t important, and often, it’s the most unlikely places that you find your true love.
What matters most is the intention you are putting out into the universe, and how you relate to yourself and what you want for your life.
So the big question is; do we find love, or does love find us?
With all the wonderful stories I’ve both heard and in some cases witnessed, I’m beginning to understand that it really does begin with the journey inwards. We need to find ourselves first, and we need to love and accept who we find within. Only then can we manifest love with another person in our lives.
But it doesn’t matter if we find them, or they find us. It doesn’t matter if it’s online dating or a chance meeting in the most unlikely of places. What matters is developing our ability to love and trust ourselves, which we can then extent to the right person to share our life with.
If this strikes a chord with you, then maybe you have had a similar experience?
At Make Your Mark Global we are currently calling for authors on the topic of Manifesting Love. So if you found your life partner in an unlikely place, or via an unusual method, we would love to hear your story.
To learn more about how co-authoring a book with us works, head here.